Ratings for Dr. Michael Ha of Hamilton, Ontario.


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I've seen Dr. Ha several times at St. Joe's ER. He has NEVER been compassionate or sincere. He has NEVER done bloodwork or given me an IV to re-hydrate me even after I've been vomiting and had diarrhea for several days. In fact he once told me I was "a waste of resources" and most recently said I keep coming back because I keep "getting what I want". So what I want is to be in chronic pain, and not keeping anything down or in? What I want is to spend hours of my life sitting in a filthy ER and being poked several times in order to have bloodwork or an IV put in? What I want is to be labeled drug seeking when I have well documented chronic health issues that are sometimes exacerbated by stress or a weak immune system? What I want is to be mistreated and judged by the staff? Yes, I guess that's what I want when I have to visit the ER 4 times in a week because my at-home methods of pain control (over the counter meds and a heating pad) are not sufficient. This doctor does NOT care about his patients. Head and book knowledge do not = a caring and compassionate doctor who will do their utmost to ensure the patient receives the care they truly need. I pray I never have to see or be "treated" by this doctor ever again. The stress of a visit with him is enough to send my heart racing and my blood pressure through the roof. I know ahead of time that if he's the doctor on duty, I am not going to receive the care I need and will likely end up a patient again relatively soon.
Punctuality: 2
Caring/Helpfulness: 1
Knowledge: 3
The Staff: 1
Review Submitted May 10, 2015   OK Doctor Rating !!



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