Ratings for Dr. Zlatko Banic of Kingston , Ontario.


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Banic was kind enough to re-arrange the furniture in his office to accommodate my mobility equipment, which I appreciate; However, I question his overall sense of ethics and appropriate mannerisms. Despite the fact that my disorder has been formally recognised for several years by the DSM-V, Banic took it upon himself to outright tell me that he doesn't believe that it exists. Everything in the DSM-V is there for a reason and is valid. Therefore - Follow it and respect it. Personal beliefs and views should not mix with or have such a place in professional matters or environments like this. Banic also claimed that my issues were "too complex" for him. While I can appreciate that not everyone knows everything, of course, I question why he would even take on my case if it wasn't something he was sure he could help with. He had informed me previously, multiple times over, that he'd read my files - And so, this means he should have known what to expect with me & so in turn should have been able to judge whether or not I'd be "too complex" for him before agreeing to handle my case. This is poor judgement on his part, and is rude and unprofessional. Based on my experiences: I do not recommend Dr, Banic to anyone and would advise caution. Beware. This is unfortunate because the other staff within the clinic/office (in my experience) are great, if not brilliant. I hope that Banic would adjust accordingly so that he will match the others, in the future.
Punctuality: 5
Caring/Helpfulness: 2
Knowledge: 1
The Staff: 4
Review Submitted July 14, 2017   OK Doctor Rating !!



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