Ratings for Dr. Smita Sakharam Pakhale of Ottawa, Ontario.


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Dr. Pakhale has her very own mindset when it comes to assuming what the patient might suffer from even though the patent has different experience and symptoms. She has a hard time to listen to a patient never mind let them finish their concerns in a sentence. She tends to interrupt constantly. Seems to be woven into her idea what the reason for the illness could be. Thankfully after 2 years of suffering on hemoptysis without any treatment I came across a very knowledgable respirologist while being hospitalized, who diagnosed my exact illness. And I am therefore now on my way to physical improvement
Punctuality: 4
Caring/Helpfulness: 3
Knowledge: 3
The Staff: 5
Review Submitted January 14, 2017   OK Doctor Rating !!
I recently saw Dr Pakhale for an urgent breathing difficulty. She was pleasant, seemingly knowledgeable; but unfortunately she was somewhat disconnected from interacting with me. She asked me to explain, yet rarely looked up @ me, while I described what has been happening. She told me twice about her research & working with the homeless; while that on its own is to be applauded, it was not why I was there to see her. I came away from the appointment feeling frustrated, unheard, & without hope of a solution. Overall, this was both disappointing & disheartening.
Punctuality: 3
Caring/Helpfulness: 1
Knowledge: 3
The Staff: 3
Review Submitted October 24, 2016   OK Doctor Rating !!
Punctuality: 5
Caring/Helpfulness: 5
Knowledge: 5
The Staff: 5
Review Submitted October 19, 2016   Good Doctor Rating !!



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