1 Ratings for Dr. Tania Di Renna of Ottawa, Ontario.


Number of Ratings: 1   Average Rating: 5

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Being a patient of Dr. Di Renna has been the most uplifting experience since my coccyxgectomy in 2009. After the surgery I developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrom as a result of severed nerves in the spine and regrowth of nerves in multiplicity causing fantom pain messages to the brain and resulting in loss of weight, depression , living in extreme pain and having difficulty in both sitting and walking. Working wit Dr.Di Renna as a team to address the issues and pains as I am a highly functional individual who chooses to remain in the workforce as a contributing member of society as opposed to permanent disability status. Dr. Di Renna care has allowed me to remain highly active while addressing the issues of living with pain daily. Her positive attitude and listening skills has been an asset for my ongoing care with Dr. Di Renna. She is wonderful with excellent bed side manners and really listens to her patient unlike most surgeon's. She makes it comfortable to speak with her and goes above and beyond her line of duties for a top notch service to her patients. Being her patient has contributed not only to the fact that I can maintain my employment and has eliminated the daily depressive circumstances I was living prior to her care and has allowed me to restore happiness and balance in my family life, marital life as well as my colleagues by working with me to develop a treatment program that addresses chronic pain management and has ultimately given me my life back....She is truly a God sent..
Punctuality: 5
Caring/Helpfulness: 5
Knowledge: 5
The Staff: 5
Review Submitted June 26, 2013   Good Doctor Rating !!



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