1 Ratings for Dr. Eileen Louise La Croix of Toronto, Ontario.


Number of Ratings: 1   Average Rating: 5

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I am a patient of Dr. La Croix and her natural ability to assess a patient w/ very complex mental issues and trauma, is outstanding. She cares! You leave a session w/ her positive and wanting to heal yourself. To understand and help heal mentally challenged patients and depression is more than education and by the book. She understands you, and it takes more than a degree to do this. She genuinely cares, helps you to try to become whole. I am so lucky and grateful that I was referred to her as a specialist and she took me on as a patient. Dr. La Croix truly cares and inspires one to get better. Her knowledge is outstanding, not just great. What a wonderful doctor. I have left treatment many times previously as there are doctors who are not committed and don't understand mental illness, you and/or your case history and that this is just a job for them that they don't have the skills for. Psychiatry is not just text book. You can't heal this illness by the book alone. Dr. La Croix is a true professional and doctor. Thank you.
Punctuality: 5
Caring/Helpfulness: 5
Knowledge: 5
The Staff: 5
Review Submitted April 19, 2011   Good Doctor Rating !!



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