Ratings for Dr. Maria Clarissa Bambao of Toronto, Ontario.


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I went to Dr. Bambao when I found out I was pregnant and got several terrible pieces of advice from her. The first was after I asked her how much weight constituted "heavy lifting", and at what stage of pregnancy women were supposed to avoid heavy lifting. She told me it was dangerous to lift more than 5lbs for the entire duration of my pregnancy! That's the weight of a 2 litre bottle of soda. This ridiculous idea was later debunked by every doctor I asked about it; it's questionable whether heavy lifting is dangerous except that when you're very pregnant your centre of balance is shifted and you might tip over. But even people who say heavy lifting isn't allowed let you lift at least 20lbs. This left me with the impression that she was misinformed and would readily answer any question I asked her, even if she didn't actually know the answer. The next time I went to see her, a similar thing happened. Looking at an ultrasound from 11 weeks, she diagnosed me with marginal placenta previa (my placenta was within a few centimetres of my cervix) and told me I would likely need a c-section and that I was to go on total pelvic rest (no sex) and no exercise for the rest of my pregnancy unless the placenta moved. Again, after querying several other doctors, I learned that the placenta begins pregnancy near the cervix and most if not all doctors won't even mention it unless it's still near the cervix at week 30. I waited almost two months for my next ultrasound to determine that my placenta had moved. When I told the ultrasound technicians that I had been put on pelvic rest because of an 11 week ultrasound they were shocked. As was the new doctor I found shortly afterwards. If Dr. Bambao is your doctor, make sure to double-check everything she says, because she proved to me that she doesn't necessarily know what she's talking about. For me, pregnant with my first baby, that was a deal breaker.
Punctuality: 3
Caring/Helpfulness: 1
Knowledge: 1
The Staff: 3
Review Submitted July 27, 2017   OK Doctor Rating !!



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