Ratings for Dr. Frances Maria Crawford of Kingston, Ontario.


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had her in the ER, all she kept saying is this is not an emerg. go to your own doctor, We explained that currently can't walk up the stairs to DR office, told me to find a new doctor. Sent home with Tylenol2. Borrowed a wheel chair and went to our own DR. he sent for blood tests (should have been done in hospital) and xrays for leg. Went for ECG and had bad results had to go to emerg. immediately!! She was there and luckly she did not come to us or we would have sent her away. It was suggested that we report her to the med. board.
Punctuality: 4
Caring/Helpfulness: 2
Knowledge: 2
The Staff:
Review Submitted July 8, 2017   OK Doctor Rating !!
Excellent caring emergency physician. Dr Crawford did not discriminate against the elderly. She had ex-rays done and blood work done, and was prepared to do what was needed next no time wasted. We have been at the hospital where the emergency doctor said do you really want to bother to find out what is wrong since he is elderly.
Punctuality: 5
Caring/Helpfulness: 5
Knowledge: 5
The Staff: 5
Review Submitted September 1, 2016   Good Doctor Rating !!
Thank you for your immediate and professional care.
Punctuality: 5
Caring/Helpfulness: 5
Knowledge: 5
The Staff: 5
Review Submitted July 7, 2015   Good Doctor Rating !!



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