Ratings for Dr. Thilo Eberhard Vollrath of Ottawa, Ontario.


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Dr. Vollrath saw me at after I had suffered bouts of depression and anxiety for more than 30 years. His down-to-earth approach and his ability as a skilled talk therapy psychiatrist was most helpful. He was the first psychiatrist that convinced me that I should take medication for depression and anxiety for the rest of my life, something which I had always been reluctant to do because I felt I should be able to solve this type of problem on my own...but 30 years of failure in that department said that approach was working. Dr. Vollrath eventually convinced me to try a specific medication that deals with depression and anxiety called Effexor (also known as Venlafaxine). We tried one medication before that called Remeron which was to help me deal with sleep problems. The drug made me joyous about life but I couldn't concentrate and I wasn't safe when driving my vehicle. I stopped that drug and went on Effexor. When we got the medication right it changed my life completely and turned me into a happy, mentally healthy individual who was no longer consumed with worry. The period of therapy lasted approximately 8 months to a little more than a year. That was 15 years ago and I haven't been back since and haven't had any bouts of depression or anxiety since.
Punctuality: 5
Caring/Helpfulness: 5
Knowledge: 5
The Staff: 5
Review Submitted May 28, 2017   Good Doctor Rating !!



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